Dental Veneers: Procedure, Types, and Benefits
What are dental veneers?
These are a cosmetic solution made from either Porcelain or Resin-composite materials. These are bonded to the teeth permanently using cement. The veneers are thin and provide a restoration which appears natural with tooth-coloured shells. These are most often used for the top front eight teeth.
Advantages of dental veneers
- The procedure to place veneers is less invasive compared to crowns and implants.
- They are low maintenance and the procedure requires only a few visits
- Veneers are both cosmetic as well as protective in nature.
- They improve your smile and boost confidence
- They provide a natural looking restoration
- They can last for years
Moreover, They can be used for correcting:
1. Chipped teeth
2. Broken or pointed teeth
3. Irregular or smaller than other teeth
4. To fill the gaps
5. Discolored teeth which can’t be corrected otherwise
The different types of cosmetic dental veneers
The two main types of veneers are Porcelain veneers and Composite veneers. Another type of less frequently used veneer is a no-prep veneer. Read more
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