How toHow to Deal with Pyorrhea: A Simple Guide

 Deal with PHow to Deal with Pyorrhea: A Simple Gui


One of the most prevalent multifactorial dental diseases in human beings, Pyorrhea, is commonly known as periodontitis. This disease directly affects oral gums and the bone.

 Pyorrhea is caused by the infection of the periodontium, the organ that supports and surrounds the teeth and is made up of gingiva, bone, and ligament. Untreated pyorrhea can lead to the involvement of the alveolar bone surrounding the teeth as the periodontium deteriorates, leading to tooth loss.

Full Blown Pyorrhea is always preceded by gingivitis, which then gets worse. So it is imperative that any symptoms of a gum condition are paid immediate attention to and treated to avoid its worsening.

Pyorrhea in its initial stages has no symptoms. But people with bad oral habits and poor dental hygiene are always at a risk and should be more careful. Read morede

yorrhea: A Simple Guide


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