Root Canal Before & After: Symptoms |8 Signs You Need a Root Canal|



The pain associated with Root canal treatments is a cause of apprehension in many people. However, the root canal is a procedure that has saved millions of decayed teeth and continues to do so. However, contrary to the common belief, root canal treatment is not painful and in fact, it provides you a relief from it. 

Understanding the procedure completely can help you overcome not only your fear but also help you make a proper decision. 

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

A treatment used to eradicate bacteria from an infected root canal is known as a root canal treatment.  It not only helps to save the natural tooth but also prevents any reinfection of the tooth. Root canal treatment involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp. The inside of the tooth is then sterilised & cleaned. The procedure ends with filling and closing the tooth.

How do I know I need a Root Canal?

Whether you need a root canal or not can only be decided by a root canal specialist after the proper checkup. But some symptoms can indicate that you may need a root canal.

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